Tuesday 11 June 2013

Russia concerned over instability in Libya – Foreign Ministry

The Libyan debacle is still 'haunting' Moscow which automatically is making Moscow unyielding and extremely defiant on Syria. Russia, after abstaining from the UN vote that endorsed the no-fly zone in Libya, was appalled at the sudden turn of events which favoured NATO and its regime change music.

It tried to retrace its step, calling for diplomatic solution but hard due to the UN approval the no-fly zone turned NATO-agenda received.

Since the demise of Gaddafi, Libya has been embroiled in one form of violence or the other. The latest being the death of about 30 people when protesters demanding a regular and national army is formed and militias wielding of arms be stopped clashed with militias. The  militias are not ready to lay down their weapons, using them instead to hold the government to ransom at will.

The protest near the headquarters of the first brigade of the Libya Shield militia in the second-largest Libyan city, Benghazi, on June 8 devolved into clashes between local residents, Libya Shield members and the police.

Moscow revealed it is concerned by an armed incident in Benghazi, Libya, in which about 30 people died and 100 were injured, according to a comment from the Russian Foreign Ministry’s information and press department.

“Supporting the country's progress along the path of democratic renovations, we urge the Libyan sides to show self-control and good sense and step up efforts towards broad national consent on the future state model of post-conflict Libya,” Interfax said, citing the Monday statement.

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