Saturday 8 June 2013

Obama chief of staff, Senators Feinstein and McCain travel to Guantanamo Bay prison

President Obama fervently promised in his 2008 campaign speeches that he will see to the end of Guantanamo Bay. After spending his first term in office, many were disappointed in his inability to close the notorious Gitmo Bay. Despite frustration from congress just like in his healthcare deal, Obama pushes on and now seems more determined to bring down Guantanamo Bay.

President Obama‘s chief of staff, Denis McDonough, along with Senators Feinstein and McCain traveled to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on Friday to review the current situation and discuss steps towards closing the detention facility. Both McCain and Feinstein have supported the closing of the prison at Guantanamo, though the House of Representatives voted on tuesday in support of keeping the detention centre open.

The trip comes several weeks after the president reaffirmed a 2008 campaign promise to shut down the facility. On Friday, it was revealed that the prison’s medical team is presently force-feeding 41 of the facility’s 166 prisoners, with a total of 104 detainees now participating in the ongoing hunger strike. “We intend to work, with a plan by Congress and the Administration together, to take the steps necessary to make that [closing] happen,” said the trio via statement following their tour.

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