Saturday 22 June 2013

Russia wants Nuclear Reduction from all Possessing Countries

Russia is trying to expand the coast and island of the nuclear states, away from the United States 'limited' acceptance of reality. The US is tactically interested in discussing with Moscow alone on reduction of nuclear missiles while Russia believes the reality has gone beyond the Cold War strategic balance.

The response of Russia to Barack Obama's proposal on the reduction of missiles in their nuclear arsenals is to tell the US to take note of the contemporary international order in nuclear distribution and arrangement.

Russia says it would discuss further strategic nuclear arms reduction if all countries possessing nuclear weapons were involved, according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. He added that this includes not only the five members of the “nuclear club”, but all nations with the nuclear capability. 

The comment came after US President Barack Obama suggested that Russia and the US scrap one third of their strategic nuclear arsenals and possibly dismantle tactical nuclear weapons. 

The US, Russia, the UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea officially have atomic weapons at the moment, and Israel is widely believed to have a secret nuclear arsenal. Iran is speculated to be building its own though Tehran has strongly denied any interest in such missiles.

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