Saturday 8 June 2013

US Secretary of State urges Georgia to join NATO

After the fall of the Soviet Empire, the United States has been doing its best to incorporate the erstwhile Soviet states; Baltic states and others in Eastern Europe into her own 'empire'. Though she has succeeded in getting the Baltic states; Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to her chest, getting those closest to Russia, Georgia and Ukraine has been a major headache.

Russia believes the joining of NATO by any of these two is a complete slap on her face and a mockery of her security and defence posture in her 'sphere of influence'. The US under George Bush promised to send missile defence shield to Poland and Radar to Czech Republic; moves fiercely opposed to by Moscow but the US presses on in her mission to win former Soviet states to her side completely. Russia on her part has gone a step forward to bolster her security.

In a phone conversation on Saturday between John Kerry and Georgian Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili, the US Secretary of State expressed hope that Tbilisi would continue to integrate into the Euro-Atlantic region and eventually become a full member of NATO.

Kerry proposed to hold more talks soon to discuss the development of a strategic partnership between the US and Georgia. The US Secretary of State also expressed condolences to the Georgian people over the death of seven Georgian soldiers in a bomb blast in Afghanistan on June 6.

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