Monday 15 July 2013

"Iran wants weapons that can hit the United States" ~Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Sunday that Iran was moving closer to developing nuclear weapons capable of striking the US and urged the Obama administration to take a harder line.

In his address on “Face the Nation,” Netanyahu revealed that the new government in Tehran will not stop the process no matter how liberal it is thought to be. He said Iran’s nuclear programme would have intercontinental ballistic missiles that could carry a nuclear weapon to the United States within a few years.

“They don’t need these missiles to reach us,” Netanyahu said. “They already have missiles that can reach us.”

The series of sanctions imposed on Iran by the US are not enough to satisfy Netanyahu's quest; he prefers and wants an all-out war spearheaded by Washington. The Obama administration signaled optimism following the election of new Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, who was the country's chief nuclear negotiator in 2003-2005 when Iran struck a deal with the European Union to suspend enrichment. To Netanyahu, little has changed under Rouhani.

“They’re getting closer and closer to the bomb, and they have to be told in no uncertain terms that that will not be allowed to happen,” he said. The United States, he said, has a crucial role to play in demanding that Iran cease enrichment efforts and dismantle its nuclear facility.

“You should ratchet up the sanctions and make it clear to Iran that they won’t get away with it. And if sanctions don’t work, then they have to know that you will be prepared to take military action,” Netanyahu said. “That’s the only thing that will get their attention.”

When he was asked the condition that could prompt Israel to attack Iran, Netanyahu said “I won’t wait until it’s too late.” Israel has been speculated to be the only nuclear nation in the Middle East and bearing that in mind, it really does not want a rival for the MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) theory to be plausible.

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