Monday 8 July 2013

Turkey Pushing for the Reinstatement of Mohammed Morsi Desperately

Turkey is extremely dissatisfied with the actions of its Western allies; the European Union and the United States over the ousting of Morsi. The nation is making frantic efforts at making sure Morsi gets the seat back amidst rising cases of violence and deaths in Egypt.

Led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Ankara’s diplomatic campaign includes the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and prominent Arab countries, such as Qatar.

“Our message is clear: Call this a coup,” a senior Foreign Ministry official told the Hürriyet Daily News. “Military coups are unacceptable, in Egypt or elsewhere. Undoing the coup and re-instating the toppled government should be the priorities of countries with a democratic understanding.”

For Turkey, establishing an interim government is meaningless and what should be done is to announce immediate elections with no restrictions on any political group, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

A senior Foreign Ministry official said “Not underlining these points would be a very bad message to not only Egyptians but to those who are in search of democracy in other parts of the world”.

Turkey was a lone voice in completely condemning the action of the Egyptian military among countries who many naturally expected to condemn it. The deepest and strongest disappointment  for Turkey came from its prominent Arab allies, namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, which were the front-runners in congratulating the new transitional leadership and the army that conducted the coup.

“There is a serious disappointment with regard to their approach. We have made clear to them that this process in Egypt will be an important test for the Arab Spring. We hope they will revise their position and will adopt a similar line with ours,” the Foreign Ministry official said.

Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have been in close cooperation in efforts to topple the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria since mid-2011, in the latest chain of the Arab Spring movement. Egypt joined in their efforts to oust Assad fully weeks before Morsi was ousted; broke diplomatic relations with Assad and called  for the imposition of a no-fly zone. The development in Egypt will definitely affect their actions on Syria but the consequential result remains unclear.

Turkey is really finding solace in the United Nations as UN Secretary-General seemed the only prominent international figure who condemned the Egyptian army's action loudly. Ban had echoed prominent international powers in defining the ousting of Morsi as “a military intervention” and in not making a strongly worded statement against the army.

The meeting point of the camps with interest in Egypt; Turkey, the US and other prominent countries is that they agree on the need to hand power back to civilian rule immediately, questions on how it will take place is also crucial for the Turkish government.

“We know perfectly that the position we are taking is carefully watched in Egypt and elsewhere. This position is also very important in terms of Turkey’s image in Egypt as well as of Turkey-Egypt bilateral ties,” the official said.

Given that Turkey had established strong cooperation with the Morsi government, there are questions as to whether Ankara will continue its ties with Cairo under any new government established by the military junta. Officials, however, say their biggest priority is avoiding any bloodbath in the country.

“In the heat of the moment, our priority is to take steps with regard to these undemocratically unfolding developments. The coup is at a crossroads. Both parties have millions of people on the streets. And it’s been only three days since the coup,” the official said.

Turkey will still keep its ambassador in Egypt acceding to the wise saying that 'cutting the head off is not the panacea to a notorious headache'. Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Botsali will remain in his post for some time although his mandate ended and June 30, with Ahmet Yildiz set to replace him. “We notified him just before the coup that his mandate was being extended. He is a very experienced diplomat and has close ties with all political camps,” the official said.

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