Tuesday 13 August 2013

APC and the Kindergarten President: A Valid Description of Nigeria and its Leaders

The All Progressives Congress has just given Nigeria a valid description of the land. A notable figure of the party, Chief Bisi Akande called the President of about 160 million people a kindergarten president and has so far been defended by the members of his party. This automatically means 160 million people are kindergarten pupils; at least, a people deserve their leader.

APC is simply telling us that we are not mature in Nigeria yet. The youths who are always joyous just because the presumed party of 'messiahs' has come, hence, support every single statement coming out of APC are those I shake my head for. What is the party's plan for your future? How best has it deployed its machinery using the media, social media and other avenues to commence discussions on the kind of future it wants to give you and Nigerians? What do we have so far? Insults! Abuses!! Aspersions!!!

If APC continues to devalue the office of the President as being 'worthless' then it is not 'worthy' to occupy same. The party that did not even thank those campaigning, making noises that it must be registered but expressly visited IBB by all standards cannot be trusted too. Akande's men in and from Osun and ACN members also voted for our dearly beloved 'Kindergarten President' anyway. Reverence is extremely taken seriously in Africa or has Akande and APC suddenly forgotten that?

Some of us who wanted PDP out as at then before the birth of APC and clamoured for an alternative wanted a party that will give PDP a good show for its dollars. APC has refused to start addressing issues on the myriads of problems facing Nigeria and lying Mohammed thinks he can continue to slap our intelligence by bamboozling us with grammars. Abati's response was by far better, full of courtesy and reverence than Akande's attack.

If you have written two letters to the President with no reply, why not make them public letters, let people decipher the ineptitude of the President and decide on him? Why groaning, moaning and writhing in pains like a political jobber that you are? I see a monster replacing a devil anyway. Hian Nigeria!!!

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