Saturday 5 October 2013

"An Investment in Education is an Investment in the Future" ~Patience Jonathan

In what apparently would have been a lovely prepared speech but turned out to be an ironic reality, the First Lady of Nigeria, Dame Patience Jonathan said education is the foundation and the most powerful tool for the growth of a nation; this time Nigeria. The First Lady's speech was a stark sarcastic irony of the situation on ground in Nigeria. Education in Nigeria has become an apologetic apology. It is going down the drain with all stakeholders to be blamed.

The nation is currently being gripped by massive strikes; beginning from the strike embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) down to the developing strike of the Academic Staff Union of polytechnics (ASUP) which recently called off an earlier one before ASUU took over. The colleges of education are also threatening to go on strike. The National Union of Teachers has also rendered its voice favouring a strike within some weeks if the lingering ASUU imbroglio is not resolved.

Although the government has the bulk of the blame as embezzlement, mismanagement of funds as well as endemic and unrepentant corrupt practices are the exclusive preserve of officials than investment in the future educationally, the lecturers too lack innovation and real research capabilities. They are mostly at best not in sync with the real functions of what education should be doing in a nation that needs development. They are also just like the government in corrupt practices; notoriously sleeping with female students and collecting bribes from the male ones for marks. Thus, the highest numbers of the graduates are half-baked.

The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, said there is the need to invest in education so as to safeguard the future of upcoming generations. Mrs Jonathan made the remark at the launching of the N500 million fund raising of the Nigeria Air Force Officers Wives Association (NAFOWA) boarding school in Abuja. According to her, the school is not only important to the future of children, but critical to the future and development of the country.

She revealed that "an investment in education is an investment in the future of our dear country Nigeria. It has been observed that with improved education, so many other areas of human existence are positively affected." The president's wife said education aside being a tool to read and write could bring about the kind of social change that would benefit humanity. "Education goes beyond mere learning how to read and write. It is a tool that can bring about the kind of social change that will benefit all of humanity."

"Making education accessible to all is very essential to bringing about social progress. Through education, girls and boys are equipped with critical skills to help them realise their talents and contribute meaningfully to national development," she said. She urged relevant stakeholders, well-meaning individuals and organisations, to complement government's effort by investing in education to safeguard the future generation.

The educational system in Nigeria is extremely perverted. Corruption among the students too are so nauseously appalling. Students in conjunction with parents and examination officials have become so notorious in malpractices, dancing to the general societal syndrome of shortcuts and fast access to getting things done without merit. The national development Nigeria seeks is dim owing to the unrepentant acts of illegalities among the citizenry beginning from those at the top.

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