Saturday 22 February 2014

True Love For the Women of Africa; I am Her Emotion Always

I'm the voice that speaks to her when she lays;
I'm the spirit of her inner self,
I watch over her as she journeys to the land of fantasy.
I'm the rain that beats other suitors.
I'm the rising sun she wakes to see each day;                                5
I'm the beat of her heart,
The tune she dances to each day.
I'm the scary lion all hyenas become jittery for,
For she is my lioness, I build the jungle around her.
I'm the King she kneels for,                                                         10
The royal head that admires her hair and retina with panache.
She's the Queen that decorates my crown,
Without her, my crown is mundane.
I'm the one whom she freely gives her passion,
When I kneel at her feet in search of the journey of the soul.         15
She's the neck; one whom my beads fit always.
Who's the man who prides himself as a man without you?
You're life in deed and in truth.
I'm the fiery furnace that burns out all insults targeted at you.
I must be the sacrifice in needed instances for your womb is life.   20

She's the shining light with the smile of the rainbow.
In the dunes, her perfect aura aerates;
With the radiance so aromatic like the angelic fragrance.
She dances in trance with maximum pleasure,
Like the seraph of peace that she is.
Have you ever heard her sonorous voice?                                    25
So euphonious and mellifluous.
The nightingale competes but loses each time.
Take me away, far away in your wings,
That I may celebrate with you alone.
I shall sleep in your bossom, forgetting worries and sorrows.         30
Your marvellous royal skin;
Dazzling like the freshest diamond,
Discovered from cave havillah,
Sooths and suits my soulful cravings.
My heart searches and roves,                                                      35
For I'm your emotion with pride.

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